Mie Organizes Award Ceremony For Collectives And Individuals With High Achievements In Production And Business Activities In 2015

On February 3rd, 2016, Machines and Industrial Equipment Corporation (MIE) has organized the award ceremony to honor typical collectives and individuals with excellent achievements in business activities in the Year 2015.
In regconition of the ceremony, leaders of the Corporation along with the entire staff members have participated in the event.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Vu Viet Kha – CEO cum President of the Board of Members of the Corporation – has glorified distinctive collectives and individuals with excellent achievements in production and business activities in the Year 2015 and expressed thankfulness to staff members of the Corporation for their devotions to effectively accomplish the assigned tasks contributing to the success of the corporate production and business plan as scheduled for the Year 2015.
On behalf of the Party Committee, Mr. Tran Quoc Toan – Deputy General Direct, Party Secretary of the Corporation – has stirred the staff members of the Corporation to continuously promote the achivements which have been attained in the Year 2015 and strived for the completion of the production and business tasks as planned for the Year 2016 ahead.
Some overview pictures of the award ceremony

Mr. Vu Viet Kha – CEO and President of the Board of Members of the Corporation – spoke at the ceremony

Mr. Tran Quoc Toan – Deputy General Director, Party Secretary of the Corporation – spoke at the ceremony

Mr. Vu Viet Kha and representatives of the collectives are awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade

Mr. Tran Quoc Toan and individuals are awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade

Mr. Vu Viet Kha and individuals are awarded with the Certificate of Merit of CEO of the Corporation

Mr. Vu Viet Kha and individuals are awarded with the Certificate of Merit of CEO of the Corporation